My rating: 4 of 5 stars
It took me a while to get into this book. I didn't like Lenah, the main character at all, and it seemed to take a while for the story to get going. After about 50/60 pages though I was hooked! This is the first book in the Vampire Queen series. Lenah was a ruthless killing vampire queen who was desperate to become a human again to be able to feel and touch and experience the world. Her best friend and life long soulmate Rhode sacrificed himself in an ancient ritual to help her to achieve this. The story tells Lenah's struggle as a 592 year old ex-vampire to rejoin human society as a 16 year old girl in the 21st century, making friends, learning to live and love again, and see the world with fresh eyes whilst hiding out from her former vampire coven.
Lenah joins an exclusive boarding school and instantly makes friends with Tony who is a bit of an outcast himself, and just as instantly makes enemies with the popular clique of girls. Some of her expressions and reactions to modern gadgets that we take for granted predictably make Lenah look a little odd, but she starts to catch the eye of the one of the sports players who is also the boyfriend of one of the most popular girls.
This book has glimpses of Lenah's whole bloody history in flashbacks, a teenage love triangle, drama, loss, action, and a bunch of great characters. The ending is a shocker and I am baffled to see how the series is going to continue. Verdict- I loved this! Very fresh take on vampire fiction, mixed with high-school drama and the stuggle to find yourself and belong.
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I've had this one on my TBR forever!!! I need to get on it!