Authors and publishers- please note
Update- I am too busy at present to accept review copies of self-published books, and currently have more to read than I can cope with. Thank you for thinking of me anyway. I will update again if circumstances change.
I am happy to consider receiving copies of books for review in the genres of young adult fiction, paranormal romance, fantasy, urban fantasy and children's books (11+). I can accept books in paperback or hardback, or kindle editions. I will give an honest and unbiased review of any books received, and will try to read any books given to me for review as a priority. Any ARCs received I will aim to read before the publication date, however, this does depend on what I have time for, and other reading commitments. If you would like a review by a particular deadline please let me know in the original email.
Reviews are posted here on my blog and on my profile at I try to read and post at least 2 books a week. I'll also post positive reviews on, and at to increase awareness of my very favourite books.
I understand that ARCs are a privelege and would never sell an ARC copy of a book.
If you are an author wishing to promote a book I would be happy to host an interview and giveaways or competitions. I do not post promo posts or author interviews without having read the book first, as I like to know what it is I'm promoting.
Be aware that I am not a professional reviewer, I read for pleasure and I only read what I enjoy. My blog is for fun and because I love discussing books with like-minded people who read the same sorts of things that I do. I also work a busy full time job and so some weeks I have limited spare time to blog as much as I'd like to.