Waterfall by Lisa T. Bergren
Discussion 1- Chapters 1-6
Today's questions hosted by Tinasbookreviews
Waterfall opens with the introduction of Gabi, shes depressed, a little angry and is dealing with feelings of loneliness. Are you connecting with her this soon in the novel? Do you see things you like or dislike?
I really like Gabi- I like how fearless and independent she is. When she is transported back in time she doesn't start to panic, she just invents a cover story and gets on with getting by. I also really like her voice in narrating the story- like how she will say things like "mayhaps" in a sentence to the knights, speaking in flowery sentences that match how they speak, but then her thoughts will be modern American, like "awesome" and "totally", and "I was getting seriously good at talking their lingo!"
I think that I would be too afraid to do anything if I were in her situation! If it was me in her place, I think that once I was in Marcello's castle in a safe room with food, I would want to cower away, and wait for everything to change back! I love that Gabi is really spunky and will stand up for herself to the men, even demanding to go with them on a ride.
Gabi gets to time travel back to 14th Century Italy- The Dark Ages in its prime. Is there anytime in history that fascinates you and would you travel back if you could?

Most of the men, including Marcello have a very set opinion about a woman's place. Gabi gets manhandled a bit in these first few chapters, and even gets asked if shes a witch. The men are shocked when Gabi rides a horse like a man and shimmies down the castle walls. What do you think of men's mentality back then? Gentlemanly, chauvinistic, simple-minded?
It was just the way it was done back then. I think if the men in the story could have seen in to the future and seen women in the 21st century they would be stunned. We have women in the army, and women doctors and lawyers- it was just inconceivable back then. Marcello so far seems quite accepting of Gabi, and even admiring of her feistiness.
When Gabi becomes a part of this era, the people are immediately intrigued but suspicious of her. Many judge her by her difference. Do you think this is fair? Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like an outsider or that others were misjudging you?
She is so completely different to them. She appears wearing jeans and a cami top. Everything about her from her appearance to her manners is so alien. I think there is nothing more intimidating than standing out so completely. I've been to other countries where I felt like I stuck out so badly. It's a scary feeling!
What do think the coolest thing would be about living in the Dark Ages? What would be the worst?
I can't think of anything cool about living in the Dark Ages! If you're rich though you're lucky to have plenty to eat, lots of luxury and fine clothes, but also no chance to do anything that you want to do. You are tied to the responsibilites of whatever station you're born into, with no chance to improve yourself, or change your station. There is also disease, poverty, and no hot showers or flushing toilets!
I would also miss books. Books in the fourteenth century had be copied out by hand by a scribe, and were therefore very rare and very expensive. I read every day, and can't imagine a life without books- without being able to escape into another world and live other lives.