Sunday 21 August 2011

In My Mailbox 21st August 2011

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren

These are all the books I bought this past fortnight (I didn't do an IMM last week as I only had 2 books to show). Quite a mixture here- but some pretty good books, and all cheap, hence me breaking my book-buying ban yet again!

  • Anna And The French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. This is the kind of book that I never would have picked up myself or even looked twice at, but it was receiving such high praise from everyone who read it that it made me really want this book! Now it has finally come out in paperback and a copy is mine!
  • 13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson, another one that I never would have chosen for myself but kept being recommended to me by other bloggers. This was in the Amazon kindle sale and I'm really looking forward to reading it.
  • Looking For Alaska by John Green. I'm not totally sure what this is about but I do recognise the cover from seeing it about the blogs. It caught my eye in the Works bookshop and when books are that cheap I can't resist!
  • Waterfall by Lisa T. Bergren (Book 1 in the River Of Time series) This is one series that I have really wanted to read for a while, I love time-travel stories and this one sounds really romantic as well. The fact that it is currently free for kindle sealed the deal for me!
  • Dead Kiss by Daniel Waters. This is a bind up of the high-school zombie books Generation Dead and Kiss Of Life which looks really good, and was practically nothing in my local supermarket.
Those were all the books I got. What did you get?
Happy reading!


  1. Anna and the French Kiss is worth all the hype it's absolutely amazing I hope you enjoy it.

    My IMM

  2. Great books! Anna is brilliant. One of the best books of 2010! Very excited to read 13 Blue Envelopes and Waterfall ;)

    Here's my IMM!

  3. I am reading Anna and The French Kiss now, it's really good so far! I hope you like it and the rest of your books.

  4. Hi Sally! Love your books!

    I got Anna and the French Kiss this week too! Hope I enjoy it as much as everyone else!

    I didn't rate 13 Little Blue Envelopes, but Generation Dead is great (haven't read the sequel yet!)


    Here's My Mailbox

  5. I have to say that's a great mailbox because I have a few of those on my bookshelves too :D enjoy!

  6. I'm looking forward to reading Waterfall as well - I do love time travel stories! SOunds like a good haul - I've been thinking about Anna and the French Kiss as well - the reviews all seem to love it, but it's not my usual type of read! You have to let me know what you think! :)

  7. i wanted 13 little blue envelopes but my used bookstore dosnt have it =(

  8. I'm considering buying Anna and the French Kiss for the same reason you already have :P I thought about it last night.

    I love 13LBE so much! Huge MJ fan, over here! :D

    Great books this week

  9. Anna and the French Kiss is amazing! Definitely lives up to the hype in my opinion. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

    Here's my IMM

  10. Great mailbox!
    I haven't read any of the books but the first three are in my reading pile. Enjoy!

    Here is my IMM:
    Nickey @ The Book Shop Assistant

  11. I really want to read Anna and the French Kiss! I haven't read one bad review on it yet(:




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