Saturday 9 April 2011

How many books do you read at once?- A response

Jodie started a really interesting discussion over at her blog Books For Company about how many books we have on the go at any one time. A lot of people said that they would get confused reading more than one book at once- others said they had no problem and read different books at different times of day, or read one e-book and one hardback depending on where they were.
Read Jodie's original post here

Here was my answer:
Usually it is about 3 at a time- but there is a very good reason! I read one book at home before bed and in the mornings on my days off, but if it is a heavy hardback book or a book on my kindle, I don't want to carry this backwards and forwards between home and work so I have a small, light paperback for work. I get an hours lunchbreak at work and I love to find a quiet corner and sit with my book and my sandwich. The third book is an audiobook. Any time I can't hold a book in my hands I listen to an audiobook. This is every morning when I am getting dressed and putting my makeup on, and in the evening when I am cooking dinner and doing the washing up. So that's why the three:

1) Book for home (heavy or kindle)
2) Book to read while at work
3) Audiobook

I'm quite good at being able to compartmentalise the different stories and rarely get mixed up- but I have to make sure that all the books are a bit different, eg. I couldn't read 2 werewolf books at once or anything too similar. I would get confused if the books had the same main character's name, but usually I am fine.


  1. Wow! I just couldn't do that. I would get so confused. Even without the confusion, listening to an audio book whilst trying to get a 4 year old ready to leave the house by 7am would be impossible lol. Saying that, I have just ordered an ipod so that I can listen to some audio books - most probably at work though in my lunch. I hope two on the go doesn't confuse me :D

  2. Thank you for saying about my post! =)
    I found your answer very interesting and l have a few reader friends who do the same as you .. one for work etc!
    Like Karen, l just couldn't do it though!

  3. Thanks guys!
    Karen- I couldn't do that either with a child, but I live on my own so having an audiobook playing is nice to have a bit of noise for company. Plus listening to an audiobook while I'm working on something else (like washing up) helps me to work through some of my scarily massive reading list faster!
    Jodie- you are very welcome! I'm not sure how I manage to do it either, it's a recent thing as I've been reading more and more the past couple of years. But I have so many different series on the go as well, I guess I'm just used to dipping between different stories.


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