Sunday 24 April 2011

In My Mailbox 24th April 2011

In My Mailbox is a weekly event hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren, where we can show off what books we have received throughout the week- whether bought, borrowed, swapped, library, or given for review.
This week I got to read...

From the Library
  • Matched by Ally Condie- I've been on a waiting list for this book for months, so I'm glad that it's finally here. This is a YA dystopian novel where "Officials" decide who people love, how many children they will have and where they will work.
  • Mermaid by Carolyn Turgeon- Mermaids and princesses (but it's classed as adult fiction- not childrens). Plus how gorgeous is the cover!


From Swapping

  • Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles- This sounds fantastic, all of my Goodreads friends who have read it have loved it. About a high-school girl with a perfect life who starts to fall for a gang member from the wrong side of town.

(UK website Readitswapit)

So those were the books that I got this week. What did you get in your mailbox?
Happy reading!


  1. They all look great! I have Matched but haven't read it yet. I agree about the cover of Mermaid - it's very pretty :)

  2. Matched is fantastic, I hope you're enjoying it

    I haven't read Perfect Chemistry but I agree, it does sound really good :)

    Enjoy your new books

  3. Don't you just love risi?! Haha =)
    Mermaid has such a beautiful cover!!
    Happy reading

  4. I really enjoyed reading Matched, hope you do too!

  5. I want to read Perfect Chemistry SO BAD!! hehe I'm really looking forward to reading Matched as well, and Mermaid looks really interesting too! Enjoy!

  6. Great books this week. I've heard a lot about matched but I haven't read it yet. Happy reading.

  7. Fab set! New follower too! I loved Matched.
    My IMM

  8. I've been wanting to read Mermaid! I have to admit, I've been sucked in by that gorgeous cover, too!

  9. Matched and Perfect Chemistry seem like really good books. (: And you're right, Mermaid's cover is awesome. :D


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