Sunday 8 April 2012

In My Mailbox 8th April 2012

In My Mailbox is a weekly event hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren where book bloggers can talk about the books they've gotten the past week- whether bought, borrowed, swapped, or given for review. This feature was started to increase interaction between bloggers and to increase our awareness of all the new books coming out.

I got some amazing books this week- check 'em out!


  • The Calling by Kelley Armstrong. Goodreads. I absolutely adore this author's young adult series. This is book 2 in the Darkness Rising series, and I can't wait to start reading it after the cliffhanger ending of book 1. I've been stroking the cover all week!   I love that this title was was released here in the UK before it is in the US. I feel like chanting "Na na nanaa naaaa!" (But I won't)   :D

Kindle Bargains:

  • Pretty When She Dies by Rhinannon Frater. Goodreads. Thanks to the nagging  encouragement of certain bloggers who shall remain nameless (*Cough* Bookish Brunette *Cough cough* Xpresso Reads) who continually rave about how awesome this author is, I downloaded this title when it was on sale this week. This is a vampire book, and it does actually sound pretty good. 

For Review:

  • Yesterday by C.K Kelly Martin. Goodreads. This sounds so good- it's a dystopian story, with visions of the future, and has been described as a dark sci-fi adventure. 
This is due to be published in September. Thanks to Random House and Netgalley for the review copy.

  • Flutter by Gina Linko. Goodreads. This is about a girl who suffers with seizures (or so everyone thinks) when actually she experiences something like time travel loops to mysterious places. Described as a sci-fi romance this looks very exciting.
This is due to be published in October. Thanks to Random House and Netgalley for the review copy. 

So those were the books I got to read this week. What did you get?
Happy reading!


  1. I have Yesterday on my wishlist! I can hardly wait to read your thoughts on it! Happy reading:) I hope you'll drop by and check out my IMM...

  2. What a fantastic IMM! I hope you would enjoy reading your new books :D

    If you like to see my In my mailbox you can click on it.

    Happy easter! Mariska

  3. I pre-ordered The Calling as well - sadly though I sent it to my parents address and not here!! I will be picking it up later today! :)

  4. Wow, Yesterday looks creepy! :o I'll have to check that out.

  5. I've got review copies of both Yesterday and Flutter and I agree they both look awesome!

    My IMM if you have a moment to check it out:

    Happy Reading!

  6. Haha I didn't realise we got The Calling first. I may read it quicker but I don't want to wait a year for the ending. Her adult books work well standalone but I think her YA books are best read in one go.

  7. Those look awesome! I hope you enjoy all you got :)

    Here's my IMM!

  8. Flutter looks so, so, so good. I just sent my request for an ARC via Edelweiss, so here's hoping! Enjoy your haul and happy reading.

    New follower here :).

    My IMM @ YA Books

  9. Kelley Armstrong is a Goddess! Oh, how much I love her!!

    Patricia // My IMM

  10. Wooow!! The Calling!! So good :) :) Enjoy all your awesome books this week and happy Easter ;) :)

  11. I pre-ordered the Calling and cannot wait. Flutter and Yesterday both look interesting. Lovely mailbox :)

  12. I love the sound of Yesterday - hope you enjoy it!


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