Monday 30 April 2012

Best of the Bunch April

Best of the Bunch is a meme hosted here on the last day of each month, where we can look back over the books we have read and give a Best of the Bunch award to our favourite book of that month.
For more info and to grab the button and stickers visit the BOTB page here and then add your linky to the list below.

This month I have reviewed on the blog:

  • Drink, Slay, Love by Sarah Beth Durst- My review 4.5 of 5 stars
  • Spellbound by Cara Lynn Shultz- My review 4 of 5 stars
  • Hounded, Hexed and Hammered by Kevin Hearne- My review 3 of 5 stars
  • Stolen Away by Alyxandra Harvey- My review 3 of 5 stars
  • Wither by Lauren DeStefano- My review 5 of 5 stars
  • Partials by Dan Wells- My review 4 of 5 stars
and the award for Best of the Bunch is going to go to...


No surprises really-  Wither by Lauren DeStefano!

This book absolutely blew me away! It is one of those stories that get under your skin and I couldn't stop thinking about it for days afterwards. I always wanted to keep reading a little bit more, even though I had to go to work, or to sleep!
I loved the drama, the constant underlying tension, the scary world the author has created, the characters and the romance. As soon as my book ban is over (I'm really trying not to order any more books until July!) then I need to read the sequel Fever which is out now.
I LOVED this book. All the hype around it is completely justified. I love emotional books that have the power to really move me, and this is one of them. Just beautiful.

Goodreads link

So which book gets your bananas?
Add the link to your post below, and visit some of the other blogs taking part.


  1. Hey, great blog—I'm just leaving a comment to let you know I'm now following it. (:

    Would you mind checking out my blogs?

    Thank you! (:

  2. Aww, I loved Wither too! Rhine's relationship with the sister wives was the best part for me because it was so complex. Sadly Fever was a bummer for me, but hopefully it will work better for you!

  3. Wither is an amazing book! Are you going to read the sequel, Fever? Even though I didn't like it nearly as much as Wither I still would definetly recommend it!

    Could you possibly check out my blog?

    - Rachel xx


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