My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I read the previous installments of this as an all-in-one book titled Kissed By An Angel, and I hated that this new one is such a short book which ends right in the middle of the action. This to me is not a story, it just feels like part of a book. If I'd had to read the previous story as 3 books, (as it was originally intended) it would've really annoyed me as well. I also didn't realise until I read some reviews, that the original story was first published so long ago- (about 15 years ago). I never would've been able to tell otherwise in terms of the story, the writing, or the feel of the book. I genuinely thought that it was a new book (I only read it for the first time at the start of this year). Evercrossed has been updated and modernised, with the same main characters that were in the previous books now using ipods and mobile phones.
From Goodreads:
It’s been a year since Ivy’s boyfriend, Tristan, died. They’ve both moved on—Tristan to the other side of the afterlife, and Ivy to sweet, dependable Will. Now Ivy’s heading to Cape Cod, hoping to leave the horror of last summer behind. She wants nothing more than to lie on the beach, sip lemonade, and hang out with her friends.
But then a car crash ends Ivy’s life.
As she floats to the beyond, looking down on the life she’s left behind, Tristan breathes life back into her with a passionate kiss. She wakes up in the hospital, surrounded by Will and her family, but all she can think about is the love that she lost.
When she is at the hospital Ivy meets a boy- a patient suffering from memory loss, and she is drawn to him, following her natural gut instinct to try to help him. Ivy feels an instant connection to Guy, and in so many different ways he reminds her of Tristan. There is a constant sense of underlying danger, since we are told that Tristan is now most likely in serious trouble for helping Ivy, and none of Ivy's friends trust Guy. The mystery of who Guy really is, and what his motives are, make this a completely compelling book. Ivy spends more and more and more time with Guy and grows farther apart from Will.
Up until the abrupt ending, I was loving this and eager to see how it would turn out. I loved re-living memories of Tristan, and feeling I'vy's pain still fresh even one year from the car accident which ended his life. I was loving the new relationship between sweet Will and Ivy and loving all the tension between them. The writing is so completly compelling, and I always wanted to just keep reading a little more. I feel like Ivy is a real person, that is how believable this is. This was a 5 star book up until the non-ending, and now I have to wait to read the rest of the book.
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