Sunday 4 August 2013

Sunday Post 4th August 2013

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba at The Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It's a chance to share news~ to recap the past week on the blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

This is a few weeks worth of books, but I got some good 'uns!


  • Angel Fever by L.A Weatherly (Angel, book 3). I love this series!
  • Timeless by Gail Carriger (Parasol Protectorate, book 5). I have only read the first book in this series so far, but I have all the others and this one was on sale so...  

From the Library:

  • Elegy by Tara Hudson (Hereafter, book 3)
  • If You Find Me by Emily Murdoch- I can't wait to read this one, it sounds amazing!
  • The Night Itself by Zoe Marriott. I LOVE this author's books and am very excited to read this one.
  • Stormbringers by Philippa Gregory (Order of Darkness, book 2)
For Review:
  • Noble Conflict by Malorie Blackman. I think this author is amazing and I'm looking forward to reading this one as well. Many thanks to Netgalley and Random House Publishers for the review copy. 

I posted-
Best of the Bunch July - a monthly wrap up post with my nomination for my favourite book of the past month. 

Exciting New August book releases -Where I squeal over which upcoming YA book releases I'm looking forward to in the coming month.

On Saturday I went to a book signing with local author Lee Weatherly, (who was absolutely lovely) and got my book autographed. Authors are my rock stars and I always end up babbling and fangirling like a lunatic when I meet one! TEAM ALEX!

What books did you get this week? Any of mine you've read already? What did you think of them?
Let me know in the comments. Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. You need to read the rest of the Parasole Protectorate as it's a great series!
    I never get to meet authors so I can completely understand the 'squeeing'! :-)

    1. I know- I'm so behind with that series. I loved the first book.

      Every picture of me with an author I look like a grinning psychopath!

  2. I love the Parasol Protectorate series :D I'll be reading the 4th book soon. If you find me is SO good!

    Happy reading.

  3. Gregory's Order of Darkness series looks interesting. I'll need to add to my TBR. :) Have a great week!

  4. I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on The Night Itself - it'll be my frst Zoe Marriott!

  5. I've also only read book#1 in the Parasol Protectorate. I really need to move it up on the TBR. Enjoy your books!

  6. Great haul. If You Find Me is sooo good, I hope you enjoy it and the rest of your new ones.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday Post

  7. Good looking reads that you have here. I want to read the Parasol books.

  8. The book signing looks like fun! I have books one to four of Parasol and so need to read them *facepalm* Have a lovely week Sally!

  9. Oh the books you purchased I've heard very good things on. :) Do hope you enjoy them. And woot! for the great chance to meet the author. :D

  10. Eep! You got Angel Fever! *spasms with jealousy on the floor* I need to finish that trilogy so bad! I really enjoy the books and can't wait to find out how it ends.:)

  11. My coworker just raves and raves about the Parasol Protectorate. And I have Carriger's teen book, Etiquette and Espionage, but I haven't read it yet. I'm so bad about that - buying books, and then putting them aside for something else.

    Anyway, enjoy all your goodies, and happy reading :)

  12. Lovely selection of books you got this week! Enjoy!

  13. You've got some great looking books in your haul this week! I've only read Soulless as well, but I loved it! I have her teen book as well which I need to try out. The Night Itself is a book I really want to read as well.
    I hope you enjoy all of your new books and have a great week!


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