Saturday 5 January 2013

Reading Challenges for 2013

Well, at the start of 2012 I excitedly signed up for a bunch of reading challenges, and... well... it did not go well. Okay- I failed them all. But STILL! 

This year, I told myself not to bother, as I usually end up reading what I fancy in the moment, and not based on which challenges I still need to read for. But then I saw all these amazing new challenges starting up this year and I felt like a kid watching everybody else play a game that I wanted to join in with as well. So I strictly told myself to only join in with one or two challenges for the year. But then I couldn't narrow them down and if I'm doing a couple what does it hurt to join in with a couple more? 

So in 2013 I have signed up for (and fully intend to complete this year), all the following reading challenges.

The 2013 Debut Author Challenge hosted by Hobbitsies

To read and review at least 12 titles by 2013 debut authors.

The 2013 Dystopia Challenge hosted by Blog of Erised

To read and review at least 13 dystopian titles.

The Witches and Witchcraft Challenge hosted by Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

I signed up for the 2012 challenge last year with a good idea of a load of titles that I have and want to read, and I still didn't read them. But this is the year!

2013 Witches & Witchcraft Reading Challenge

To read and review at least 6 witchy books.

The British Books challenge hosted by Feeling Fictional

To read and review at least 12 books by British authors.

Fairytales retold reading challenge 2013 hosted by Debz Bookshelf

To read at least 4 books based on a retelling of an original fairytale. 

The YA Contemporary Challenge hosted by Katie's Book Blog

Now, I'm playing it safe, and committing to read a minimum of 5 YA contemporary novels, but I have at least a dozen qualifying titles still to read on my bookshelf, books that I really want to read, so I should easily complete/ surpass this. 


Phew! That  is a lot of challenges again. But I can do it!


  1. I'm also doing the Fairytale & Dystopian reading challenge :D It's always fun. Good luck with completing them!


  2. Thanks for joining us! Enjoy :D

  3. The Dystopian challenge looks right up my alley!

  4. That is a lot of challenges...I am so tempted to join a ton too! Welcome to the 2013 Witches & Witchcraft Reading Challenge!

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

  5. Welcome to the British Books Challenge! I hope you enjoy taking part and find some fabulous new authors :o)


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