Friday 4 January 2013

2nd Blogoversary giveaway!!

I started messing around on Google Blogger on the 4th January 2011, and since then this blog has been through makeovers, dramas, highs and lows, and has got bigger and bigger. I can't believe that I have been blogging for 2 years now- and I never thought back then that this would become a hobby which has taken over my life!

Thank you so much to everyone who has visited this website, and especially thank you to all the wonderful people who have left such lovely comments on my book reviews and posts. You make my day and make all the hard work worthwhile.

To celebrate 2 years of blogging, and as a special thank you to my most loyal followers I am going to host a book giveaway.
One winner will receive any YA book (of winner's choice) up the value of £10. This giveaway is open internationally (provided The Book Depository ship to your country). The winner will be picked at random on Saturday 19th January, and notified by email on Sunday 20th January after the entries have been checked.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks for stopping by my blog!


  1. Congratulations! I can't believe it's been two years already. Here's to many more! <3

  2. HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!!!! I only discovered your blog quite recently but it's one of the best I know! I look forward to Always Lost In Stories becoming even bigger and better in the years to come! WoOOHOOo!! :D

  3. HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY, SALLY!!!! Ohmigosh, we have the same blogoversary, except today is my first! Hope this year is just as great for you :D

  4. Congratulations, woohoo!

  5. Congrats! Two years is fantastic - it's my first in a week :)

  6. Woohoo! Happy blogoversary! :)

  7. Congratulations, Sally! :D Two years is amazing, you have accomplished so much. I love you're blog, here is so many more years! :) xx

  8. Lovely giveaway,thank you.Congratulations!!!!And Happy New Year!!!!

  9. Wahoo..Two years what a lovely milestone. Congrats and here is to many more:)


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