Sunday 3 July 2011

In My Mailbox 3rd July 2011

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren where we can show off all the books that we bought, borrowed or got for review during the week.
This  week I got...


  • Kiss Me Deadly by Tricia Telep (editor). This is a compendium of short stories from some of my favourite YA authors- Maggie Stiefvater, Sarah Rees Brennan, and some YA authors that I want to read- Daniel Waters, Diana Peterfreund, Michelle Rowen. It also contains short spin off stories featuring characters from some of my favourite YA books. There is a Forest of Hands and Teeth spin off by Carrie Ryan, a Hush Hush story by Becca Fitzpatrick, and a spin off story about one of the minor characters from the Soul Screamers series by Rachel Vincent which I also love. I'm excited to get this finally from Amazon marketplace, after not having any luck getting it through the library. I think that it's the kind of book that I'll keep dipping into, rather than actually just reading it cover to cover.

  • Hounded by Kevin Hearne. Book 1 in the Iron Druid Chronicles. Other bloggers keep raving about these books so I want in on it!
I bought this in the members sale.

From the Library:

  • A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness, based on an idea by Siobhan Dowd. This book sounds so great, and it's getting some fantastic reviews as well. I love Siobhan Dowd's books for the way that the story takes you in unexpected directions, and just blows you away. She died before she could write this, leaving only an outline for a story, a premise, and some charcter outlines. Patrick Ness has taken it up, and as his writing and the way he expresses his stories are also brilliant, I'm sure that between them, this will be great.
Just flicking through this, every page has black and white pictures and outlines, and looks really atmospheric!

So, those were the books I got this week. What did you get?
Happy reading!


  1. A Monster Calls sounds really good. I hope you enjoy it. I've not heard of the other two though so I'm interested to hear what you think of them.

  2. I've never read a collaborative book (well, I've never read one with more than two authors) but I wouldn't mind trying one out someday :) Hope you enjoy Kiss Me Deadly and both your other new books.

    I see you're reading Divergent... you like?

  3. Kate- I'm enjoying Divergent so far, and I'm SO close to the end now- it's taken me a really long time to read this one- too busy! I didn't think it was better than the Hunger Games, but I'm really enjoying it and a review should be up this week.

  4. You have a nice list of book that you received in your mailbox this week.
    Happy Reading,
    Book Sniffers Anonymous

  5. A Monster Calls is one book I would love to read - I'm such a big fan of Patrick Ness Choas Walking trilogy. Hope you enjoy it! :)


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