Sunday 24 July 2011

In My Mailbox 24th July 2011

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren, where book bloggers can talk about the books they've gotten the past week- whether bought, borrowed, swapped or given for review. This feature was started to increase interaction between bloggers and improve our awareness of all the new books coming out.

I wasn't going to do an IMM this week because I didn't think I'd have a lot to show, but I got a few more books than I expected to. I got...


  • Fairy Bad Day by Amanda Ashby. This looks like such a fun, funny book, and I love the sound of it's quirkyness. This is on standby for when I need a reading pick-me-up.
  • Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer. I was so exited when this dropped through the door, I've had it on pre-order for months, and am looking forward to the continuation of the story of Shay, Calla and Ren. I do love my werewolf romances! I'm still bummed about the cover change though. This was originally supposed to have a green sparkly cover, and it would've matched my copy of Nightshade on my shelf.
From the Library:

  • Cross My Heart And Hope To Spy by Ally Carter. This is book 2 in the Gallagher Girls series which I loved, and I hope to read the rest of this series soon.


  •  Witch Fire by Anya Bast. This is an Elemental Witches book that looks a little bit steamy, but should be interesting!
This is from UK website Readitswapit

For Review:


  • The Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa. AAAAAaaaahhhh! I love this series so I was really thrilled to get this to read a few months early. I'm starting this next, and still going to buy the paperback when it is published so that it matches the series already on my shelf. This is faeries, a quest, a love story and a prince.
  • The Mephisto Covenant by Trinity Faegin. Again this book sounds great, romantic and dramatic with heaven and hell, and immortality all thrown in.
Both these books are from Netgalley thanks to Harlequin and Egmont publishers.

So those were all the cool books that I got this week! What did you get?
Happy reading!


  1. I'm really excited about the release of The Mephisto Covenant. The cover is so pretty! :D

  2. I loved Fairy Bad Day it was such a quirky fun read I hope you enjoy it.

    My IMM

  3. I love the Iron Fey series so I'm beyond excited for The Iron Knight and I can't wait to get my hands on Wolfsbane either. Enjoy!

  4. Great books!
    I have had the books from netGalley in a previous week but still haven't read them :( Too many books on my review pile *sighs*
    Anyway, enjoy! :)

    Here is my IMM:
    Nickey @ The Book Shop Assistant

  5. Oh oh oh I so have all of those on my wish-list lol. Cannot wait to see what you think of them :D Happy reading

  6. I finished Fairy Bad Day while on holiday last week (still have to write the review) but it is fab - a lot of fun and a perfect holiday or pick me up read!! Hope you enjoy it - and all those other great books there! :)

  7. I love Ally Carter! And I really want to read the Iron Fey series, I just don't have enough time to fit it into my growing TBR pile :( But I hope you enjoy all you got! Here's my IMM if you want to check it out! Happy reading!

    -Jessica (Peace Love Books)

  8. Fairy bad day looks a great book! thanks for sharing :) please come check my IMM out.

  9. Great set! I love the Gallagher Girls books. I really want to read Fairy Bad Day.
    My IMM

  10. i dont love steamy books but ill give that series a try, i like witches as it usually means lots of magic (the good kind not the bad kind hopefully)

  11. Looks good!
    I'm also a new follower
    Check out my IMM

  12. You have a nice list of books in your mailbox this week. I really want to read Fairy Bad Day. It is on my TBR list.
    Happy Reading,
    Book Sniffers Anonymous


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