Saturday 6 April 2013

6 books everybody loved except me

This is a blog post idea inspired from Andye at Reading Teen- where I thought I would spotlight those books that EVERYONE else on the planet seemed to love... except me.

Do you ever feel like the only one who read a book and just thought... meh? But everyone else raves about it?
That feeling when you are so excited to read a book because it has gotten so many 5 stars- then you read it and wonder what all the fuss was about?

(my beautiful original artwork- I am quite the artist you know)

[I feel a little bit in danger of being surrounded and beaten with these books by people screaming "what do you mean you didn't like it??!!" but I love the variety of the YA book market, and the fact that what appeals to one person may not appeal to everyone. So I'm not saying that any of these books are bad books, just that  I never got the appeal of them.]

  • A Need So Beautiful by Suzanne Young. So many people love this book, but I didn't like the fact that the main character has no choices. She is basically just told that she is destined to disappear and be forgotten by everybody who loves her, and there is nothing she can do about it. 

  • I think I am the only person who found this book really dull. It has a very detached style, and it really bugged how the main character, after being released from the underworld for a limited period of time to see the great love of her life, just mooches about wasting time, and ignoring everyone, for MONTHS. I spent most of the book waiting for something to happen- but it has loads of 5 star reviews around the web.

  • Before I Die by Jenny Downham. I read this one a few years ago, and it has recently been turned into a film starring Dakota Fanning (titled Now is Good). It is sweet and a real tear-jerker, but I struggled to like this one because I couldn't stand the main character. 

  • Tithe by Holly Black. It's got fairies, a romance and it's written by Holly Black, but still, I just couldn't get into this book at all. It is one of the rare books that I DNF, and again- because I just couldn't connect with the main character. I didn't like the amount of bad language and the casual sex and drug taking among the teen characters. But other people (whose reviews I trust) love this series. 

  • Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan. I know, I know- but I read the first one, and didn't hate it, but I still couldn't see what all the fuss was about. I've never been even slightly tempted to go on and read the rest of the series.  

  • Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta. This is an okay book- I liked it- but all the reviews on Goodreads are 5 star, gushing reviews... and I don't quite get why. I love loads of contemporary YA fiction so it's not the genre, I just liked it instead of loving it. It was okay. 

Those are the books that everybody else seems to love... except me. 


  1. I've not read any of those books and truth be told, they haven't appealed to me at all. Don't know what it is but despite loads of positive reviews I haven't felt like I needed to read any of these!

  2. I haven't read anything of these, but do have Everneath on my TBR pile - bit worried now! I do hate it when you don't get a book that everyone else loves - I kinda had that with the Shiver trilogy, by Maggie Stiefvater. Loved the first one, the next two... meh.

  3. Bahaha that drawing is brilliant! And yes, I often feel that way. It's usually hyped up YA books that disappoint me but I haven't read the ones on your list yet :(

  4. Like Anya - Everneath is on my reading list, but I haven't read any of the ones you mentioned. I've definitely read a few books that everyone but me loved though - The Iron King, Julie Kagawa comes immediately to mind.

    Tanya Patrice

  5. Unfortunately this happens to me a lot. :( Stormdancer, Unraveling, Vain - just to name a few books that everyone, but me seems to love. I actually quite liked Everneath (Cole!), but I tried to read a Melina Marchetta, and had to DNF it. Her "writing style" is not for me...

    Great artwork, btw! :D

  6. there are three books everyone seems to love except me: beautiful creatures, paper towns, and 13 reasons why

  7. Before I die didn't blow me away either. This happens to me a lot, like; I absolutely disliked Anna and the French kiss, but everybody else is raving over it.


  8. I totally agree about A Need So Beautiful. I have book 2 sitting on my shelf unopened! If I had remembered I would've added that one to my post! I did like Everneath, but I get that it wouldn't connect with everyone. I agree about Tithe and The Lightning Thief. My kids loved that series (TLT) but I couldn't get past the first one!

    Thanks for the shout out!!

  9. The only one of those I've read is The Lightning Thief (which I do like very much!), but I've certainly had that feeling about other books, and not just since I've been blogging... I remember being less than impressed with Harriet the Spy, way back in elementary school.

  10. I haven't read any of these books lol, I do want to check them out though

    Kristin @ Young Adult Book Haven

  11. I LOVE your drawing! xD

    Hehe, I feel this way with books sometimes too. But more often with films and TV actually. With books, it tends to be the big long running fantasy series that others love that I just don't get on with. I had to DNF Magician by Raymond E. Feist. The only one that I've read off your list is Percy Jackson (which I loved, lol, sorry!), but I do have Tithe waiting to read, so will be interested to see if I agree with you on that one. :-)

  12. Agree with you on Saving Francesca, though I like most of her other books much more. Despite the hype, I found Deborah Harkness's A Discovery of Witches terribly dull and it was a rare DNF for me.


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