Sunday 4 September 2011

In My Mailbox 4th September 2011

In My Mailbox is a weekly event hosted by Krisi at The Story Siren whre we can can showcase all the books that we received during the week.
I'm trying not to get any more books at the moment to try and catch up on my mammoth reading pile, but I just can't resist the draw of books!

From the Library:

  • Texas Gothic by Rosemary Clement- Moore. The cover for this is much prettier in real life, the picture doesn't really show just how bright green her eyes are, and it matches the green of the author's name at the bottom. This is about witches and looks like a really good book.


  • Spellbound by Cara Lynn Shultz. I won my choice of book by participating in a weekend read-a-thon hosted by Amber at Down The Rabbit Hole. I chose this book after reading some good reviews. Thanks Amber!

Okay, someone from work came into the staffroom with a couple of massive boxes of books that she didn't want anymore and just said for us to help ourselves. They all looked brand new with no creases on the spines or anything, and of course me being the booklover that I am dived right in for a good rummage and came away with excited squeals and armfulls of books! Some of them I had already read and they will probably get added to my swapping pile. Here are the best of the rest-
  • Dark Matter by Michelle Paver. A ghost story by the fantastic author of the Wolf Brother series. I really want to read this but had forgotten that I had wanted it!
  • Trash by Andy Mulligan. I've seen this about on a few different blog posts lately, so I might get around to reading this at some point.
  • White Cat by Holly Black. I like the positive reviews surrounding this book at the moment, but I once started reading Tithe by this author a while back because so many people said that they loved it, and I had to stop after the first couple of chapters- I couldn't stand it (and I always try and finish a book even if I'm not enjoying it). This is a maybe book.
  • X-Isle by Steve Augarde. I really liked the Various trilogy by this author, and this new book for younger teens looks really good as well- about a post flood world where survivors try to get to the island after rumours that life is easier than on the mainland.

 Those were the books I got this week. What did you get in your mailbox? Happy reading!


  1. I just got Texas Gothic, too :) The cover is stunning IRL, isn't it?

    Congrats on your win :D

  2. Ooh lovely. My mum has read my copy of Texas Gothic and loved it but I haven't managed to get to it yet. All your books look great, although Trash was a DNF for me, but i heard lots of other bloggers love it.

  3. Texas Gothic is one book I'd love to read as well! I love it when people are so generous with unwanted books - always nice to pick up some books unexpectedly! :)

  4. I really want to read White Cat as well. I've never read a Holly Black book before, but I've heard that the Curseworkers series is amazing.

    Books of Amber

  5. I've seen Texas Gothic a few places and I'm totally curious about it. I'm going to be starting Spellbound sometime this week, I'm excited to read it!

    Happy Reading!
    Megan @ Read It, See It

  6. I think Spellbound looks like an interesting book. Hopefully I'm able to find a copy and wind up enjoying it.

  7. I loved Trash, it was really good. I also struggled with Tithe, I tried it and didnt like it but I did actually finish it! I am determined to try the White Cat series though... at some point! I hope you enjoy your books

  8. I loved Spellbound!! It was a really enjoyable read. I hope that you enjoy your new books!

  9. Oh my - yay to the coworker for bringing you such great reads! I need to catch up with some Holly Black reading myself.

    Check out our Mailbox at Book Sake.

  10. Texas Gothic and Spellbound are both too books I'm extremely curious about! I hope they're as good as they seem and hope you enjoy all your new reads. Seems like a great week! :) My IMM can be found here!

  11. Great books this week. I like the look of Texas Gothic and I will need to grab a copy. I hope you enjoy reding your haul!

    Check out my IMM here -

    Emma @

  12. Great mailbox! I hope my library gets in Texas Gothic soon, it sounds great! Enjoy!

  13. Mmm, some great looking books here. X-Isle looks really good, will have to add it to the wishlist!

  14. I liked White Cat. But Red Glove was better. I hope you enjoy.

  15. I look forward to your thoughts on some of these, not sure about some of them!


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