Sunday 8 December 2013

End of the Year 2013 Reading Cram Read-a-thon!

So, I have decided to take part in the

End of the Year 2013 Reading Cram Read-a-thon!

hosted by Juliababyjen's Reading Room and Dana Square to try and chisel off some of my huge TBR pile before the end of the year. 

Goodreads tells me I am 32 books behind where I should be at this point in the year to achieve my goal of reading 130 books- so I obviously don't think I'm going to manage to achieve that challenge this year! 

But, I would like to pack a few more books in toward that target before starting afresh with 2014.

The readathon runs from December 9th to 22nd, and there are lots of mini-challenges and the chance to network with other bloggers and  to spur each other on!

I'll also be updating progress on twitter with the hashtag #ReadingCram

I hate setting goals of specific books to read, (as I normally change my mind and end up reading something completely different), but I'm hoping to get through at least 6 books in that time. I normally read around 2 books a week, so this is more than usual but still achievable for me. 

the books, possibly-

  •  Taste of Darkness by Maria V. Snyder
  • Fiery Heart by Richelle Mead
  • Vanish by Sophie Jordan

  • Elegy by Tara Hudson
  • Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake
  • Sever by Lauren DeStefano

Getting reading to read like a demon- here I go!



  1. I really need to buy The Fiery Heart definitely getting that for Christmas! Thanks so much for signing up! Can't wait to see what you think of it!

  2. I'm glad you are able to do the Read-a-thon. I need to try one one of these days!

  3. I haven't read any of DeStefano's books, but I hear they're really good! You picked a great selection :)

  4. Great choices! I also need to read Sever! Good luck!


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