Friday 31 May 2013

Best of the Bunch May 2013

So, it's that time again- May is over and it's time to write up monthly wrap-up posts, and review the past month.

May 2013

I have the flu, and so May has been a bit of a duff month for me for blogging again. I have no book reviews to share, but I still really want to catch up with what has been happening with everybody.

So link up your monthly wrap-up posts below, let us all know what books you have been reading/ reviewing, and be sure to nominate one of them your pick for "Best of the Bunch".

I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone has been up to, and finding ever more book recommendations!

Hopefully June will be a better month for me again.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love that picture! I've been feeling very see-sawing myself recently so understand. I've linked in what few reviews I do have for this month. Hope you feel better soon!

  2. I hope you feel better soon!

  3. I know the feeling seems like I get one thing straightened out something else goes wrong.I hope you get to feeling better. Mine best was The Sweetest Dark by Shana Abe it was really good.


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