Thursday 28 June 2012

From The Review Pile #6

From The Review Pile is a weekly meme hosted by Stephanie at Stepping Out Of The Page, where bloggers and reviewers can showcase all those books received for review that we really want to read, but haven't managed to get around to reading yet.

I've had this one for absolutely ages. I just need to read it already! This is vampires and witches, clan wars and a forbidden romance. Sounds pretty good right? Now if only I had more hours in the day to read...

Crave by Melissa Darnell

Bloodlust. Magic. Forbidden secrets. 

When Savannah Colbert returns to school after a mystery illness, the fact that she has changed is clear to everyone. None more so than every school girls golden boy Tristan Coleman. Ever since their first kiss in fourth grade, Savannah and Tristan have been cruelly and inexplicably banned from associating with each other. Now, as the pair navigate the tricky social life of high school, the truth is about to be revealed. 

As Savannah learns of their paranormal ancestry and Tristan deals with the repercussions of her new powers, the relationship they have been denied for so long becomes utterly irresistible and all consuming. Like Romeo and Juliet centuries before them, Savannah and Tristan’s love is destined to fail; and Tristan’s powerful magical family, the Clann, are watching.

Published in the UK 6th April 2012 by Mira Ink
First Published in the US 18th October 2011 by Harlequin Teen

Has anyone read it already? What did you think?


  1. Sounds like a really interesting book. Here's my Review Pile picks

  2. Ooh, I've been hearing good things about this book! I've added it to my wishlist, and I hope you get a chance to read it soon!

  3. I actually have read Crave. It was really good...a lot better than I was expecting. I'll definitely be picking up the next book in the series. :) I hope you enjoy it when you get a chance to pick it up.

    Thanks for sharing! Here's my Awhile on the Pile post. Happy Thursday! :D

  4. I was a good book, don't know if I'll continue this series, but it was enjoyable.
    My review is here:


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