Wednesday 11 July 2012

Once Upon A Read-A-Thon wrap up

This is the end of the last day of the annual Once Upon a Read-A-Thon hosted by Candace of Candace's Book Blog, Lori of Pure Imagination, and Angela from Reading Angel. I did read as much as possible, and I had fun checking in with other bloggers, and completing some of the challenges over the past couple of days.

So did I read all of the books I had set myself over these 3 days?
I wanted to try and finish all three books that I had started reading- Bloodlines by Richelle Mead, Changeling by Philippa Gregory, and Dearly, Beloved by Lia Habel.

I finished reading Bloodlines

I finished the audiobook of Changeling

No- this is where I fell down. I'm up to 62% of the the way through this one. In my defence, I have had a very busy week, and it is a huge book!
I am a good way through it now though!

Thanks to Lori, Candace and Angela for hosting!


  1. You still did great! Thanks for participating! :)

  2. As far as reading the books we had planned to read, I think you did much better than. I planned on reading 3 books from my own bookshelf, but then I got a library book haul. So I ended up reading some of those. It's all good though.
    You can check out what I read at my final post here:

  3. I think you did awesome! I have had an eye on Changeling. Is it good? Great job!

    I love your background on your blog!


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