Wednesday 26 October 2011

Waiting On Wednesday #12

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we can spotlight those books that are not yet published and we are eagerly anticipating.

This week I am waiting on Taken By Storm by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. This is Book 3 in the Raised by Wolves series, and I am really enjoying this story and these characters.

This is published in May 2012


  1. I always plan to start this series and it just keeps getting pushed down my TBR list. One Day :-)

    My WOW

  2. Seen this one before but I think its a good one.
    Awesome pick here's my Waiting on Wednesday post

  3. I'm going to read this series very soon - so excited! :)

    My WOW

  4. Oooh! A third one! Thanks for getting me into this series :D

  5. Sounds good, enjoy your pick.

  6. Oh wow I love the cover. I haven't started this series yet but it's on my TBR list.. My never ending TBR list...
    Xpresso Reads

  7. I've yet to start this series, but I have heard some pretty good things about it. I will have to make sure to pick the first book up eventually.

    Here is my Waiting on Wednesday: WoW

  8. SWEET! I loved Raised by Wolves, and have Trial by Fire sitting on my shelf waiting to be read. I really need to get on that...

    Here's my WoW:


  9. Oh, great pick! I still need to start this series, but I have seen it at my library! I must check it out soon. :)


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